The official name of our parish is St. Mel Catholic Church. St. Mel is located in the city of Norco, in the state of California. Norco was given its name in 1921 when the property was sold to the N Corona land company.
St. Mel was established in January 1959 by the most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, bishop of San Diego. Prior to 1959. The people of Norco had been attending mass is at St. Edwards Church in Corona or at a Chapel in the California Rehabilitation Center in Norco.
Monsignor Matthew J. Thompson of St. Edwards was instrumental in establishing the new Norco parish and its name. Monsignor Thompson was born in the Diocese of Ardagh in Ireland, which was once served by St. Mel, and he attended college there.
Fr. Samuel J Engl was appointed administrator of the parish. The first mass was celebrated in February at the Grange Hall.
During his first year at St. Mel, Fr. Engl purchased a house and 5 acres of land. Groundbreaking took place on February 7, 1961, for the first building to be constructed on the property. In September of 1969, one wing of the building was completed. It contained 4 classrooms, an office, storerooms and lavoratories. Two of the classrooms were converted into a temporary church.
In 1965 Fr. Michael O’Duignan, replaced Fr. Engl as administrator. During his administration, the Benedictine sisters from Ferdinand, Indiana were engaged to open the school in September of 1966 with an enrollment of approximately 195 students in grades first through sixth. The increase in enrollment and the addition of the 7th grade necessitated the building of a church. A house adjacent to the church property was purchased and converted into a convent.
Early in the summer of 1966, Fr. Robert J Erickson was appointed the first pastor of St. Mel. He arrived on July 6. The large crucifix behind the altar was donated in memory of William Edward Erickson Senior, 1900 to 1957, by the Erickson family.
Obtaining permission from Bishop Frances J. Furey and with the help and dedication of parishioners, Fr. Erickson proceeded with plans, and the church building was constructed to seat 750, with a view of future needs. It was formally dedicated on May 5th, 1968, by Bishop Furey and Bishop Quinn.Seventy-four priests and 42 nuns attended the Mass Dedication. Fr. J Ernest Hayes assumed the duties of pastor in 1974. Fr. Joseph Mawicke arrived in October 1976 to replace Fr. Hayes. In 1978, St. Mel Catholic Church became part of the newly formed Diocese of San Bernardino. In July 1984 Fr. Antonio Das Nevis replaced Fr. Joseph Mawicki as pastor of St. Mel. Assisting the pastor were Deacon Paul Robicheaux , who was ordained in 1979 and Deacon Joe Garcia who was ordained in 1980.
In 1994, Fr. Adrian Brinn replaced Fr. Antonio Das Neves as pastor of St. Mel. In 1995, Fr. Arturo Balagat replaced Fr. Adrian Brinn as Administrator of St. Mel. In 1998, Fr. Timothy L. Jernejcic replaced Fr. Arturo Balagat. On July 1, 2001, Fr. Thomas J Keller, M. S. C. Replaced Fr. Timothy L Jernejcic. In July of 2002 Fr. Declan Fogarty, OSA replaced Fr. Timothy as administrator and in September 2002, Fr. Patrick Crilly, OSA joined Fr. Declan at St. Mel until his death in March 2007. On December 20, 2007, Fr. Emmanuel Ukaegbu-Onuoha came to us as Parochial Vicar and was assisted by Deacon Joe Vela. In July 2013, Fr. Gerardo Mendoza came to St. Mel as Pastor to replace Fr. Declan. In January 2014 Fr. Toan Pham replaced Fr. Emmanuel as Parochial Vicar. In July 2017, Fr. Romanus Ike replaced Fr. Toan Pham as Parochial Vicar. In July 2018 Fr. Athanasius Ezealla replaced Fr. Romanus Ike as Parochial Vicar. Fr. James Onyenani replaced Fr. Athanasius in February 2019. Fr. James Onyenani was replaced by Fr. Joseph Ellison as Parochial Vicar. Fr. Gerardo Mendoza retired in June 2023 and Fr. Luis Guido is presently serving as the new pastor of St. Mel Catholic Church. They are presently being assisted by Deacon Joe Vela and Deacon Daniel Ezekwe and Deacon Alejandro Reyes.